Robert W. Thatcher

Medical School University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States 
"Robert Thatcher"
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Thatcher RW, Palmero-Soler E, North DM, et al. (2016) Intelligence and eeg measures of information flow: efficiency and homeostatic neuroplasticity. Scientific Reports. 6: 38890
Thatcher RW, North DM, Biver CJ. (2014) LORETA EEG phase reset of the default mode network. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8: 529
Thatcher RW. (2013) Latest Developments in Live Z-Score Training: Symptom Check List, Phase Reset, and Loreta Z-Score Biofeedback Journal of Neurotherapy. 17: 69-87
Thatcher RW. (2012) Coherence, phase differences, phase shift, and phase lock in EEG/ERP analyses. Developmental Neuropsychology. 37: 476-96
Thatcher RW, North DM, Biver CJ. (2012) Diffusion spectral imaging modules correlate with EEG LORETA neuroimaging modules. Human Brain Mapping. 33: 1062-75
Thatcher RW. (2010) Validity and Reliability of Quantitative Electroencephalography Journal of Neurotherapy. 14: 122-152
Thatcher RW, North DM, Neubrander J, et al. (2009) Autism and EEG phase reset: deficient GABA mediated inhibition in thalamo-cortical circuits. Developmental Neuropsychology. 34: 780-800
Thatcher RW, North DM, Biver CJ. (2009) Self-organized criticality and the development of EEG phase reset. Human Brain Mapping. 30: 553-574
Thatcher RW, North DM, Biver CJ. (2008) Intelligence and EEG phase reset: a two compartmental model of phase shift and lock. Neuroimage. 42: 1639-1653
Thatcher RW, North DM, Biver CJ. (2008) Development of cortical connections as measured by EEG coherence and phase delays. Human Brain Mapping. 29: 1400-15
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