Barbara Schmidt

University of Jena, Jena, Thüringen, Germany 
hypnosis, decision-making, EEG
"Barbara Schmidt"
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Schmidt B, Holroyd CB. (2021) Hypnotic suggestions of safety reduce neuronal signals of delay discounting. Scientific Reports. 11: 2706
Schmidt B, Kessler L, Holroyd CB, et al. (2019) Wearing a bike helmet leads to less cognitive control, revealed by lower frontal midline theta power and risk indifference. Psychophysiology. e13458
Schmidt B, Keßler L, Hecht H, et al. (2018) What you give is what you get: Payment of one randomly selected trial induces risk-aversion and decreases brain responses to monetary feedback. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience
Schmidt B, Kanis H, Holroyd CB, et al. (2018) Anxious gambling: Anxiety is associated with higher frontal midline theta predicting less risky decisions. Psychophysiology. e13210
Schmidt B, Mussel P, Osinsky R, et al. (2017) Work first then play: Prior task difficulty increases motivation-related brain responses in a risk game. Biological Psychology. 126: 82-88
Schmidt B, Holroyd CB, Debener S, et al. (2016) I can't wait! Neural reward signals in impulsive individuals exaggerate the difference between immediate and future rewards. Psychophysiology
Schmidt B, Hewig J. (2016) Erratum to: Paying Out One or All Trials: a Behavioral Economic Evaluation of Payment Methods in a Prototypical Risky Decision Study The Psychological Record. 66: 323-323
Schmidt B, Mussel P, Hewig J. (2013) I'm too calm--let's take a risk! On the impact of state and trait arousal on risk taking. Psychophysiology. 50: 498-503
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