Hannu Tiitinen

Aalto University, Espoo, Finland 
"Hannu Tiitinen"
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Hakonen M, May PJC, Jääskeläinen IP, et al. (2017) Predictive processing increases intelligibility of acoustically distorted speech: Behavioral and neural correlates. Brain and Behavior. 7: e00789
Alho J, Green BM, May PJ, et al. (2016) Early-latency categorical speech sound representations in the left inferior frontal gyrus. Neuroimage
Westö J, May PJ, Tiitinen H. (2015) Memory Stacking in Hierarchical Networks. Neural Computation. 1-27
Hakonen M, May PJ, Alho J, et al. (2015) Previous exposure to intact speech increases intelligibility of its digitally degraded counterpart as a function of stimulus complexity. Neuroimage. 125: 131-143
May PJ, Westö J, Tiitinen H. (2015) Computational modelling suggests that temporal integration results from synaptic adaptation in auditory cortex. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 41: 615-30
Alho J, Lin FH, Sato M, et al. (2014) Enhanced neural synchrony between left auditory and premotor cortex is associated with successful phonetic categorization. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 394
May PJ, Tiitinen H. (2013) Temporal binding of sound emerges out of anatomical structure and synaptic dynamics of auditory cortex. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7: 152
Ahveninen J, Huang S, Nummenmaa A, et al. (2013) Evidence for distinct human auditory cortex regions for sound location versus identity processing. Nature Communications. 4: 2585
Tiitinen H, Miettinen I, Alku P, et al. (2012) Transient and sustained cortical activity elicited by connected speech of varying intelligibility. Bmc Neuroscience. 13: 157
Salminen NH, Tiitinen H, May PJ. (2012) Auditory spatial processing in the human cortex. The Neuroscientist : a Review Journal Bringing Neurobiology, Neurology and Psychiatry. 18: 602-12
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