Sarah Bankoff

2013 Department of Psychology Suffolk University, Boston, MA, United States 
"Sarah Bankoff"
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Goldblatt AEA, Bankoff SM, Katz-Wise SL, et al. (2022) A heavy burden: Associations between sexual minority status, mental health, and BMI in women. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Valentine SE, Gefter JR, Bankoff SM, et al. (2017) A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Feminist Beliefs and Feminist Identity Development Among College Women Survivors of Gender-Based Violence Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 26: 772-791
Bankoff SM, Richards LK, Bartlett B, et al. (2016) Examining weight and eating behavior by sexual orientation in a sample of male veterans. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 68: 134-9
Bankoff SM, Richards LK, Bartlett B, et al. (2016) Examining weight and eating behavior by sexual orientation in a sample of male veterans Comprehensive Psychiatry. 68: 134-139
Bankoff SM, Marks AK, Swenson LP, et al. (2015) Examining Associations of Sexual Attraction and Attitudes on Women's Disordered Eating Behavior. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Valentine SE, Bankoff SM, Poulin RM, et al. (2015) The use of dialectical behavior therapy skills training as stand-alone treatment: a systematic review of the treatment outcome literature. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 71: 1-20
Gefter JR, Rood BA, Valentine SE, et al. (2015) Why does it happen? Explanations for men’s violence against women by women with interpersonal victimization histories Journal of Gender Studies
Valentine SE, Bankoff SM, Poulin RM, et al. (2015) The Use of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training as Stand-Alone Treatment: A Systematic Review of the Treatment Outcome Literature Journal of Clinical Psychology. 71: 1-20
Bankoff SM, Pantalone DW. (2014) Patterns of Disordered Eating Behavior in Women by Sexual Orientation: A Review of the Literature Eating Disorders. 22: 261-274
Bankoff SM, Valentine SE, Jackson MA, et al. (2013) Compensatory weight control behaviors of women in emerging adulthood: Associations between childhood abuse experiences and adult relationship avoidance Journal of American College Health. 61: 468-475
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