Ivana Anusic

"Ivana Anusic"
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Lucas RE, Wallsworth C, Anusic I, et al. (2020) A direct comparison of the day reconstruction method (DRM) and the experience sampling method (ESM). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Anusic I, Lucas RE, Donnellan MB. (2017) The Validity of the Day Reconstruction Method in the German Socio-Economic Panel Study. Social Indicators Research. 130: 213-232
Hudson NW, Anusic I, Lucas RE, et al. (2017) Comparing the Reliability and Validity of Global Self-Report Measures of Subjective Well-Being With Experiential Day Reconstruction Measures. Assessment. 1073191117744660
Yap SC, Wortman J, Anusic I, et al. (2016) The Effect of Mood on Judgments of Subjective Well-Being: Nine Tests of the Judgment Model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Anusic I, Schimmack U. (2015) Stability and Change of Personality Traits, Self-Esteem, and Well-Being: Introducing the Meta-Analytic Stability and Change Model of Retest Correlations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Yap SC, Anusic I, Donnellan MB, et al. (2014) Evidence of Self-Informant Agreement in Ethnic Identity. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 5: 865-872
Anusic I, Yap SC, Lucas RE. (2014) Testing Set-Point Theory in a Swiss National Sample: Reaction and Adaptation to Major Life Events. Social Indicators Research. 119: 1265-1288
Anusic I, Yap SC, Lucas RE. (2014) Does personality moderate reaction and adaptation to major life events? Analysis of life satisfaction and affect in an Australian national sample. Journal of Research in Personality. 5: 69-77
Yap SC, Anusic I, Lucas RE. (2012) Does Personality Moderate Reaction and Adaptation to Major Life Events? Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey. Journal of Research in Personality. 46: 477-488
Anusic I, Lucas RE, Donnellan MB. (2012) Dependability of personality, life satisfaction, and affect in short-term longitudinal data. Journal of Personality. 80: 33-58
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