Tom Nissens

2016- Experimental Psychology Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany 
"Tom Nissens"
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Nissens T, Fiehler K. (2020) Reaching movements are attracted by stimuli that signal reward. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Nissens T, Fiehler K. (2020) The attractiveness of salient distractors to reaching movements is task dependent. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 82: 2502-2515
Nissens T, Fiehler K. (2020) The influence of reward and top-down task set on goal-directed movements Journal of Vision. 20: 214
Nissens T, Fiehler K. (2018) Saccades and reaches curve away from the other effector's target in simultaneous eye and hand movements. Journal of Neurophysiology. 119: 118-123
Nissens T, Fiehler K. (2018) Effects of visual and tactile distractors on eye and hand movement curvature Journal of Vision. 18: 1005-1005
Nissens T, Failing M, Theeuwes J. (2016) People look at the object they fear: oculomotor capture by stimuli that signal threat. Cognition & Emotion. 1-8
Failing M, Nissens T, Pearson D, et al. (2015) Oculomotor capture by stimuli that signal the availability of reward. Journal of Neurophysiology. 114: 2316-27
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