Isabelle Foucher
Affiliations: | 2002-2007 | Institut Pasteur, Paris, Paris, France |
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Morizet D, Foucher I, Alunni A, et al. (2024) Reconstruction of macroglia and adult neurogenesis evolution through cross-species single-cell transcriptomic analyses. Nature Communications. 15: 3306 |
Staudt N, Giger FA, Fielding T, et al. (2019) Pineal progenitors originate from a non-neural territory limited by FGF signalling. Development (Cambridge, England). 146 |
Furlan G, Cuccioli V, Vuillemin N, et al. (2017) Life-Long Neurogenic Activity of Individual Neural Stem Cells and Continuous Growth Establish an Outside-In Architecture in the Teleost Pallium. Current Biology : Cb. 27: 3288-3301.e3 |
Galant S, Furlan G, Coolen M, et al. (2016) Embryonic origin and lineage hierarchies of the neural progenitor subtypes building the zebrafish adult midbrain. Developmental Biology |
Dirian L, Galant S, Coolen M, et al. (2014) Spatial regionalization and heterochrony in the formation of adult pallial neural stem cells. Developmental Cell. 30: 123-36 |
Houart C, Hutt J, Foucher I, et al. (2008) The pineal complex/epiphysis is a placode, strictly specified by the combinatorial activity of the transcription factors Flh/Noto and Dlx3 Developmental Biology. 319: 590-591 |
Scholpp S, Foucher I, Staudt N, et al. (2007) Otx1l, Otx2 and Irx1b establish and position the ZLI in the diencephalon. Development (Cambridge, England). 134: 3167-76 |
Foucher I, Mione M, Simeone A, et al. (2006) Differentiation of cerebellar cell identities in absence of Fgf signalling in zebrafish Otx morphants. Development (Cambridge, England). 133: 1891-900 |