John J. Hopfield

1961-1964 Physics University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
 1964-1980 Physics Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
 1973-1989 Biophysics Research Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, United States 
 1980-1997 Chemistry and Biology California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
 1997- Molecular Biology Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"John Joseph Hopfield"
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Mean distance: 11.86 (cluster 17)
Cross-listing: Physics Tree


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Albert W. Overhauser grad student 1958 Cornell (Physics Tree)
 (A Quantum-mechanical Theory of the Contribution of Excitons to the Complex Dielectric Constant of Crystals)


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Maria Neimark Geffen research assistant 2000-2003 Princeton
Dawei W Dong grad student
Gerald D. Mahan grad student 1964 UC Berkeley (Physics Tree)
Bertrand I. Halperin grad student 1965 UC Berkeley (Physics Tree)
Frank Ferrone grad student 1975 Princeton (Chemistry Tree)
Steven M. Girvin grad student 1976 Princeton (Physics Tree)
Terrence J. Sejnowski grad student 1978 Princeton
Bernard S. Gerstman grad student 1981 Princeton (Physics Tree)
Eric Mjolsness grad student 1982-1985 Caltech (Computer Science Tree)
David N. Beratan grad student 1986 Caltech (Chemistry Tree)
José Nelson Onuchic grad student 1987 Caltech (Physics Tree)
Li Zhaoping grad student 1984-1989 Caltech
David J.C. Mackay grad student 1991 Caltech
Carlos D. Brody grad student 1998 Caltech
Erik Winfree grad student 1998 Caltech (Chemistry Tree)
Sam T. Roweis grad student 1999 Caltech
Maneesh Sahani grad student 1999 Caltech
Gayle M. Wittenberg grad student 1997-2003 Princeton
Oliver B. Downs grad student 2005 Princeton (Physics Tree)
Michael Lyons post-doc Caltech
Mary J. Potasek post-doc Princeton (E-Tree)
Andreas V. Herz post-doc 1990-1993 Caltech
Hong Qian post-doc 1992-1994 Caltech (Chemistry Tree)
David W. Tank research scientist Bell Labs
BETA: Related publications


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Krotov D, Hopfield J. (2018) Dense Associative Memory Is Robust to Adversarial Inputs. Neural Computation. 1-17
Hopfield JJ. (2015) Understanding Emergent Dynamics: Using a Collective Activity Coordinate of a Neural Network to Recognize Time-Varying Patterns. Neural Computation. 27: 2011-38
Hopfield JJ. (2014) Two cultures? Experiences at the physics-biology interface. Physical Biology. 11: 053002
Ponulak F, Hopfield JJ. (2013) Rapid, parallel path planning by propagating wavefronts of spiking neural activity. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7: 98
Hopfield JJ. (2010) Neurodynamics of mental exploration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 1648-53
Markowitz DA, Collman F, Brody CD, et al. (2008) Rate-specific synchrony: using noisy oscillations to detect equally active neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 8422-7
Hopfield JJ. (2008) Searching for memories, Sudoku, implicit check bits, and the iterative use of not-always-correct rapid neural computation. Neural Computation. 20: 1119-64
Marinov CA, Hopfield JJ. (2005) Stable computational dynamics for a class of circuits with O(N) interconnections capable of KWTA and rank extractions Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 52: 949-959
Kim J, Hopfield JJ, Winfree E. (2005) Neural network computation by in vitro transcriptional circuits Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Hopfield JJ. (2004) Encoding for computation: recognizing brief dynamical patterns by exploiting effects of weak rhythms on action-potential timing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101: 6255-60
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