Louis Du Pasquier

Roche Institute for Immunology 
"Louis Pasquier"
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Pasquier LD. (2006) Germline and somatic diversification of immune recognition elements in Metazoa. Immunology Letters. 104: 2-17
Kasahara M, Suzuki T, Pasquier LD. (2004) On the origins of the adaptive immune system: novel insights from invertebrates and cold-blooded vertebrates. Trends in Immunology. 25: 105-11
Sammut B, Marcuz A, Pasquier LD. (2002) The fate of duplicated major histocompatibility complex class Ia genes in a dodecaploid amphibian, Xenopus ruwenzoriensis. European Journal of Immunology. 32: 2698-709
Sammut B, Marcuz A, Pasquier LD. (2002) The fate of duplicated major histocompatibility complex class Ia genes in a dodecaploid amphibian, Xenopus ruwenzoriensis. European Journal of Immunology. 32: 1593-604
Teng MS, Stephens R, Pasquier LD, et al. (2002) A human TAPBP (TAPASIN)-related gene, TAPBP-R. European Journal of Immunology. 32: 1059-1068
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