Stephan Schneider

Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, NRW, Germany 
"Stephan Schneider"
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Ueberberg S, Tannapfel A, Schenker P, et al. (2016) Differential expression of cell-cycle regulators in human beta-cells derived from insulinoma tissue. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 65: 736-46
Balla DZ, Gottschalk S, Shajan G, et al. (2013) In vivo visualization of single native pancreatic islets in the mouse. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging. 8: 495-504
Schneider S, Klein HH. (2011) Long-term graft function of cryostored alginate encapsulated rat islets. European Journal of Medical Research. 16: 396-400
Ueberberg S, Deutschbein T, Klein HH, et al. (2011) Protection from diabetes development by single-chain antibody-mediated delivery of a NF-κB inhibitor specifically to β-cells in vivo. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 301: E83-90
Meier JJ, Ueberberg S, Korbas S, et al. (2011) Diminished glucagon suppression after β-cell reduction is due to impaired α-cell function rather than an expansion of α-cell mass. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 300: E717-23
Schneider S, Klein HH. (2011) Preserved insulin secretion capacity and graft function of cryostored encapsulated rat islets. Regulatory Peptides. 166: 135-8
Ueberberg S, Ziegler D, Schechinger W, et al. (2010) In vitro phage display in a rat beta cell line: a simple approach for the generation of a single-chain antibody targeting a novel beta cell-specific epitope. Diabetologia. 53: 1384-94
Ueberberg S, Schneider S. (2009) Phage library-screening: a powerful approach for generation of targeting-agents specific for normal pancreatic islet-cells and islet-cell carcinoma in vivo. Regulatory Peptides. 160: 1-8
Ueberberg S, Meier JJ, Waengler C, et al. (2009) Generation of novel single-chain antibodies by phage-display technology to direct imaging agents highly selective to pancreatic beta- or alpha-cells in vivo. Diabetes. 58: 2324-34
Schneider S, Virostko J, Reimann A, et al. (2009) Recent Efforts to Develop Imaging Methods and β -Cell-Specific Contrast Agents for Non-Invasive in vivo Assessment of β-Cell Mass Recent Patents On Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Drug Discovery. 3: 157-161
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