Nina Tang Sherwood
Affiliations: | Duke University, Durham, NC |
neuronal cytoskeleton, synapse development, axon outgrowth, neurodegenerative diseaseGoogle:
"Nina Sherwood"Mean distance: 17811
Sign in to add traineeAndrea Stewart | grad student | 2011 | Duke |
Lisa M. Pang | grad student | 2012 | Duke |
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Ozdowski EF, Wentzell JS, Engert SM, et al. (2020) Suppression of Mutant Phenotypes by Loss Implicates a Role for Reactive Glia in AD-HSP. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14: 912 |
Baxter SL, Allard DE, Crowl C, et al. (2014) Cold temperature improves mobility and survival in Drosophila models of autosomal-dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia (AD-HSP). Disease Models & Mechanisms. 7: 1005-12 |
Stone MC, Rao K, Gheres KW, et al. (2012) Normal spastin gene dosage is specifically required for axon regeneration. Cell Reports. 2: 1340-50 |
Stewart A, Tsubouchi A, Rolls MM, et al. (2012) Katanin p60-like1 promotes microtubule growth and terminal dendrite stability in the larval class IV sensory neurons of Drosophila. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 32: 11631-42 |
Ozdowski EF, Gayle S, Bao H, et al. (2011) Loss of Drosophila melanogaster p21-activated kinase 3 suppresses defects in synapse structure and function caused by spastin mutations. Genetics. 189: 123-35 |
Sherwood NT, Sun Q, Xue M, et al. (2004) Drosophila spastin regulates synaptic microtubule networks and is required for normal motor function. Plos Biology. 2: e429 |
Bolton MM, Lo DC, Sherwood NT. (2000) Long-term regulation of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission in hippocampal cultures by brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Progress in Brain Research. 128: 203-18 |
Sherwood NT, Lo DC. (1999) Long-term enhancement of central synaptic transmission by chronic brain-derived neurotrophic factor treatment. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 19: 7025-36 |
Lesser SS, Sherwood NT, Lo DC. (1997) Neurotrophins differentially regulate voltage-gated ion channels. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 10: 173-83 |
Sherwood NT, Lesser SS, Lo DC. (1997) Neurotrophin regulation of ionic currents and cell size depends on cell context. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94: 5917-22 |