Noelle Jacobsen, Ph.D.

2018-2023 Biomedical Engineering University of Florida 
 2024- Imperial College London, London, England, United Kingdom 
"Noelle Jacobsen"
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Jacobsen NA, Ferris DP. (2024) Exploring Electrocortical Signatures of Gait Adaptation: Differential Neural Dynamics in Slow and Fast Gait Adapters. Eneuro. 11
Jacobsen NA, Ferris DP. (2024) Electrocortical theta activity may reflect sensory prediction errors during adaptation to a gradual gait perturbation. Peerj. 12: e17451
Jacobsen NA, Ferris DP. (2023) Electrocortical activity correlated with locomotor adaptation during split-belt treadmill walking. The Journal of Physiology
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