Katharina Wilmes

Imperial College London, London, England, United Kingdom 
"Katharina Wilmes"
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Myers-Joseph D, Wilmes KA, Fernandez-Otero M, et al. (2023) Disinhibition by VIP interneurons is orthogonal to cross-modal attentional modulation in primary visual cortex. Neuron
Wilmes KA, Clopath C. (2023) Dendrites help mitigate the plasticity-stability dilemma. Scientific Reports. 13: 6543
Poort J, Wilmes KA, Blot A, et al. (2021) Learning and attention increase visual response selectivity through distinct mechanisms. Neuron
Wilmes KA, Clopath C. (2019) Inhibitory microcircuits for top-down plasticity of sensory representations. Nature Communications. 10: 5055
Bono J, Wilmes KA, Clopath C. (2017) Modelling plasticity in dendrites: from single cells to networks. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 46: 136-141
Wilmes KA, Schleimer JH, Schreiber S. (2016) Spike-timing dependent inhibitory plasticity to learn a selective gating of backpropagating action potentials. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Wilmes KA, Sprekeler H, Schreiber S. (2016) Inhibition as a Binary Switch for Excitatory Plasticity in Pyramidal Neurons. Plos Computational Biology. 12: e1004768
Cohen MX, Wilmes K, Vijver Iv. (2011) Cortical electrophysiological network dynamics of feedback learning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 15: 558-66
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