Jessica K. Ljungberg

2001-2006 Engineering Psychology Lulea University of Technology 
"Jessica Ljungberg"
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Sehlström M, Ljungberg JK, Claeson AS, et al. (2022) The relation of neuroticism to physiological and behavioral stress responses induced by auditory startle. Brain and Behavior. e2554
Ljungberg JK, Elbe P, Sörman DE. (2020) The bilingual effects of linguistic distances on episodic memory and verbal fluency. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 61: 195-203
Rosa E, Marsja E, Ljungberg JK. (2020) Exploring Residual Capacity Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors. 10: 13-23
Marsh JE, Hansson P, Sörman DE, et al. (2019) Executive Processes Underpin the Bilingual Advantage on Phonemic Fluency: Evidence From Analyses of Switching and Clustering. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 1355
Elbe P, Sörman DE, Mellqvist E, et al. (2019) Predicting attention shifting abilities from self-reported media multitasking. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 26: 1257-1265
Hjärtström H, Sörman DE, Ljungberg JK. (2019) Distraction and facilitation: The impact of emotional sounds in an emoji oddball task. Psych Journal. 8: 180-186
Neely G, Sörman DE, Ljungberg JK. (2018) The impact of spoken action words on performance in a cross-modal oddball task. Plos One. 13: e0207852
Marsja E, Neely G, Ljungberg JK. (2018) Investigating Deviance Distraction and the Impact of the Modality of the To-Be-Ignored Stimuli. Experimental Psychology. 65: 61-70
Sörman DE, Josefsson M, Marsh JE, et al. (2017) Longitudinal effects of bilingualism on dual-tasking. Plos One. 12: e0189299
Ljungberg JK. (2014) Editorial: Distraction of attention by sound. Psych Journal. 3: 1-3
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