Douglas Booth

Education Otago University 
"Douglas Booth"
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Booth D. (2020) The Burden of Over-Representation: Race, Sport, and Philosophy Sociology of Sport Journal. 1-2
Booth D. (2019) Sport and Modernity Sociology of Sport Journal. 36: 106-107
Booth D, Thorpe H. (2019) Form and Performance in Oral History (Narratives): Historiographical Insights from Surfing and Snowboarding International Journal of the History of Sport. 36: 1136-1156
Falcous M, Booth D. (2017) Contested epistemology: theory and method of international sport studies Sport in Society. 20: 1821-1837
Booth D. (2016) The Bondi Surfer: An Underdeveloped History Journal of Sport History. 43: 272-289
Booth D. (2016) Origins in History and Historiography: A Case Study of the First Swimmer at Bondi Beach Journal of Sport History. 43: 21-36
Booth D. (2016) Disentangling Race: Re-Narrating Apartheid Sport? International Journal of the History of Sport. 33: 1866-1883
Booth D. (2015) Aborigines and the ‘Sport of Kings’: Aboriginal Jockeys in Australian Racing History. Revised Edition Australian Historical Studies. 46: 131-132
Booth D. (2014) Invitation to historians: The historiographical turn of a practicing (sport) historian Rethinking History. 18: 583-598
Booth D. (2012) Seven (1 + 6) surfing stories: the practice of authoring Rethinking History. 16: 565-585
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