Feyza Engin

Professor University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, United States 
"Feyza Engin"
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Lee H, Fenske RJ, Akcan T, et al. (2020) Differential Expression of Ormdl Genes in the Islets of Mice and Humans with Obesity. Iscience. 23: 101324
Lee H, Lee YS, Harenda Q, et al. (2020) Beta Cell Dedifferentiation Induced by IRE1α Deletion Prevents Type 1 Diabetes. Cell Metabolism
Fenske RJ, Cadena MT, Harenda QE, et al. (2017) The inhibitory G-protein α-subunit, Gαz, promotes Type 1 diabetes-like pathophysiology in NOD mice. Endocrinology
Engin F. (2016) ER stress and development of type 1 diabetes. Journal of Investigative Medicine : the Official Publication of the American Federation For Clinical Research. 64: 2-6
Poudel C, Schmidt BA, Harenda QE, et al. (2016) TUDCA Rescues γ-Cell Metabolic Oscillations from ER Stress, Revealed By NAD(P)H-FLIM and FRET Biophysical Journal. 110: 142a-143a
Brozzi F, Nardelli TR, Lopes M, et al. (2015) Cytokines induce endoplasmic reticulum stress in human, rat and mouse beta cells via different mechanisms. Diabetologia. 58: 2307-16
Engin F, Nguyen T, Yermalovich A, et al. (2014) Aberrant islet unfolded protein response in type 2 diabetes. Scientific Reports. 4: 4054
Engin F, Yermalovich A, Nguyen T, et al. (2013) Restoration of the unfolded protein response in pancreatic β cells protects mice against type 1 diabetes. Science Translational Medicine. 5: 211ra156
Engin F, Hotamisligil GS. (2010) Restoring endoplasmic reticulum function by chemical chaperones: an emerging therapeutic approach for metabolic diseases. Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism. 12: 108-15
Yang T, Mendoza-Londono R, Lu H, et al. (2010) E-selectin ligand-1 regulates growth plate homeostasis in mice by inhibiting the intracellular processing and secretion of mature TGF-beta. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 120: 2474-85
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