Billy Breton

Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 
"Billy Breton"
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Wright SC, Avet C, Gaitonde SA, et al. (2024) Conformation- and activation-based BRET sensors differentially report on GPCR-G protein coupling. Science Signaling. 17: eadi4747
Gross F, Mancini A, Breton B, et al. (2024) EGFR signaling and pharmacology in oncology revealed with innovative BRET-based biosensors. Communications Biology. 7: 250
Heydenreich FM, Plouffe B, Rizk A, et al. (2022) . Molecular Pharmacology
Normand C, Breton B, Salze M, et al. (2022) A systematic analysis of prostaglandin E type 3 receptor isoform signaling reveals isoform- and species-dependent L798106 Gα-biased agonist responses. European Journal of Pharmacology. 927: 175043
Avet C, Mancini A, Breton B, et al. (2022) Effector membrane translocation biosensors reveal G protein and βarrestin coupling profiles of 100 therapeutically relevant GPCRs. Elife. 11
Stepniewski TM, Mancini A, Ågren R, et al. (2021) Mechanistic insights into dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission - concerted interactions with helices 5 and 6 drive the functional outcome. Chemical Science. 12: 10990-11003
Trauelsen M, Hiron TK, Lin D, et al. (2021) Extracellular succinate hyperpolarizes M2 macrophages through SUCNR1/GPR91-mediated Gq signaling. Cell Reports. 35: 109246
Wright SC, Lukasheva V, Le Gouill C, et al. (2021) BRET-based effector membrane translocation assay monitors GPCR-promoted and endocytosis-mediated G activation at early endosomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118
Lukasheva V, Devost D, Le Gouill C, et al. (2020) Signal profiling of the βAR reveals coupling to novel signalling pathways and distinct phenotypic responses mediated by βAR and βAR. Scientific Reports. 10: 8779
Mancini A, Avet C, Breton B, et al. (2020) Profiling the Signaling Repertoire of One Hundred Therapeutically‐Relevant Human GPCRs The Faseb Journal. 34: 1-1
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