Johann Friedrich Lobstein, Sr.
Affiliations: | University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, Grand Est, France |
"Johann Friedrich Lobstein, Sr."Bio:
(1736 - 1784)
Michler, Markwart, „Lobstein, Johann Friedrich der Ältere“, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 14 (1985), S. 737-738 [Onlinefassung]
Lobstein's Diss. inaug. anat. de nervo spinali ad par vagum accessorio is available online at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Mean distance: 22.14 (cluster 2) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorPhilipp Heinrich Boecler | grad student | 1760 | University of Strasbourg | |
(Diss. inaug. anat. de nervo spinali ad par vagum accessorio) |
Sign in to add traineeJohan Carl Krauss | research assistant | University of Strasbourg (Chemistry Tree) | |
Johann Peter Frank | research assistant | 1766 | University of Strasbourg |
Christian Friedrich Michaelis | research assistant | 1776 | University of Strasbourg |
Heinrich Palmatius von Leveling | grad student | 1764 | University of Strasbourg |
Philipp Friedrich Theodor Meckel | grad student | 1777 | University of Strasbourg |
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