Scott M. Taylor, PhD

2016- Biology University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL, United States 
Retinal Neurogenesis, Retinal Regeneration
"Scott Taylor"
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Michael S. Grace grad student 2001-2006 Florida Institute of Technology
 (Ontogeny of vision in elopomorph fishes: Evolution and functional morphology of a continuously changing retina in a diverse teleost clade.)
Peter F. Hitchcock post-doc 2011- University of Michigan
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Magner E, Sandoval-Sanchez P, Kramer AC, et al. (2022) Disruption of miR-18a Alters Proliferation, Photoreceptor Replacement Kinetics, Inflammatory Signaling, and Microglia/Macrophage Numbers During Retinal Regeneration in Zebrafish. Molecular Neurobiology
Taylor SM, Giuffre E, Moseley P, et al. (2019) The microRNA, miR-18a, regulates NeuroD and photoreceptor differentiation in the retina of the zebrafish. Developmental Neurobiology
Grace M, Taylor S. (2017) Species-specific development of retinal architecture in elopomorph fishes: adaptations for harvesting light in the dark Bulletin of Marine Science. 93: 339-354
Taylor SM, Alvarez-Delfin K, Saade CJ, et al. (2015) The bHLH Transcription Factor NeuroD Governs Photoreceptor Genesis and Regeneration Through Delta-Notch Signaling. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 56: 7496-7515
Taylor SM, Loew ER, Grace MS. (2015) Ontogenic retinal changes in three ecologically distinct elopomorph fishes (Elopomorpha:Teleostei) correlate with light environment and behavior. Visual Neuroscience. 32: E005
Gramage E, D'Cruz T, Taylor S, et al. (2015) Midkine-a protein localization in the developing and adult retina of the zebrafish and its function during photoreceptor regeneration. Plos One. 10: e0121789
Taylor S, Chen J, Luo J, et al. (2012) Light-induced photoreceptor degeneration in the retina of the zebrafish. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 884: 247-54
Taylor SM, Loew ER, Grace MS. (2011) Developmental shifts in functional morphology of the retina in Atlantic tarpon, Megalops atlanticus (Elopomorpha: Teleostei) between four ecologically distinct life-history stages. Visual Neuroscience. 28: 309-23
Taylor SM, Loew ER, Grace MS. (2011) A rod-dominated visual system in leptocephalus larvae of elopomorph fishes (Elopomorpha: Teleostei) Environmental Biology of Fishes. 92: 513-523
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