Jennifer Nicholas

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Gao CX, Clarke E, Nicholas J, et al. (2024) Changes in Rates of Special Considerations in Higher Education Applications Pre- and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Victoria, Australia. Early Intervention in Psychiatry
Nicholas J, Ardill-Young O, Levy P, et al. (2024) A supported education programme implemented in youth mental health services: Outcomes and lessons from the first year of COVID-disrupted delivery. Early Intervention in Psychiatry
O'Sullivan S, McEnery C, Cagliarini D, et al. (2024) A Novel Blended Transdiagnostic Intervention (eOrygen) for Youth Psychosis and Borderline Personality Disorder: Uncontrolled Single-Group Pilot Study. Jmir Mental Health. 11: e49217
Kornfield R, Lattie EG, Nicholas J, et al. (2023) "Our Job is to be so Temporary": Designing Digital Tools that Meet the Needs of Care Managers and their Patients with Mental Health Concerns. Proceedings of the Acm On Human-Computer Interaction. 7
Cross S, Nicholas J, Mangelsdorf S, et al. (2023) Developing a Theory of Change for a Digital Youth Mental Health Service (Moderated Online Social Therapy): Mixed Methods Knowledge Synthesis Study. Jmir Formative Research. 7: e49846
Bell IH, Nicholas J, Broomhall A, et al. (2023) The impact of COVID-19 on youth mental health: A mixed methods survey. Psychiatry Research. 321: 115082
Zbukvic I, Nicholas J, Hamilton C, et al. (2022) Using Implementation Science to Inform Workforce and Service Development in Youth Mental Health: An Australian Case Study. Global Implementation Research and Applications. 1-11
Bell IH, Thompson A, Valentine L, et al. (2022) Ownership, Use of, and Interest in Digital Mental Health Technologies Among Clinicians and Young People Across a Spectrum of Clinical Care Needs: Cross-sectional Survey. Jmir Mental Health. 9: e30716
Morton E, Nicholas J, Lapadat L, et al. (2021) Use of smartphone apps in bipolar disorder: An international web-based survey of feature preferences and privacy concerns. Journal of Affective Disorders. 295: 1102-1109
Knapp AA, Cohen K, Nicholas J, et al. (2021) Integration of Digital Tools Into Community Mental Health Care Settings That Serve Young People: Focus Group Study. Jmir Mental Health. 8: e27379
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