Ranida Chomsung
Affiliations: | University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States |
"Ranida Chomsung"Mean distance: 15.86 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Day-Brown JD, Wei H, Chomsung RD, et al. (2010) Pulvinar projections to the striatum and amygdala in the tree shrew. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 4: 143 |
Chomsung RD, Wei H, Day-Brown JD, et al. (2010) Synaptic organization of connections between the temporal cortex and pulvinar nucleus of the tree shrew. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 20: 997-1011 |
Chomsung RD, Petry HM, Bickford ME. (2008) Ultrastructural examination of diffuse and specific tectopulvinar projections in the tree shrew. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 510: 24-46 |
Bickford ME, Wei H, Eisenback MA, et al. (2008) Synaptic organization of thalamocortical axon collaterals in the perigeniculate nucleus and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 508: 264-85 |
Boka K, Chomsung R, Li J, et al. (2006) Comparison of the ultrastructure of cortical and retinal terminals in the rat superior colliculus. The Anatomical Record. Part a, Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology. 288: 850-8 |
Baldauf ZB, Chomsung RD, Carden WB, et al. (2005) Ultrastructural analysis of projections to the pulvinar nucleus of the cat. I: Middle suprasylvian gyrus (areas 5 and 7). The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 485: 87-107 |
Baldauf ZB, Wang S, Chomsung RD, et al. (2005) Ultrastructural analysis of projections to the pulvinar nucleus of the cat. II: Pretectum. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 485: 108-26 |