Magda Michna

2004-2007 McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
"Magda Michna"
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Michna ML, Mullen KT, Yoshizawa T. (2010) Temporal luminance artifacts in chromatic motion are specific to L/M cone systems Journal of Vision. 6: 237-237
Michna ML, Mullen KT. (2008) The contribution of color to global motion processing. Journal of Vision. 8: 10.1-12
Michna ML, Yoshizawa T, Mullen KT. (2007) S-cone contributions to linear and non-linear motion processing. Vision Research. 47: 1042-54
Michna ML, Mullen KT. (2007) The role of color vision in translation and radial global motion processing Journal of Vision. 7: 405-405
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