Tapas Sahoo

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada 
"Tapas Sahoo"
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Sahoo T, Serwatka T, Roy PN. (2021) A path integral ground state approach for asymmetric top rotors with nuclear spin symmetry: Application to water chains. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 154: 244305
Ghosh S, Sahoo T, Baer M, et al. (2021) Charge Transfer Processes for H + H Reaction Employing Coupled 3D Wavepacket Approach on Beyond Born-Oppenheimer Based Ab Initio Constructed Diabatic Potential Energy Surfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A
Sahoo T, Iouchtchenko D, Herdman CM, et al. (2020) A path integral ground state replica trick approach for the computation of entanglement entropy of dipolar linear rotors. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 152: 184113
Mukherjee B, Naskar K, Mukherjee S, et al. (2019) Beyond Born–Oppenheimer theory for spectroscopic and scattering processes International Reviews in Physical Chemistry. 38: 287-341
Ghosh S, Sahoo T, Adhikari S, et al. (2015) Coupled 3D Time-Dependent Wave-Packet Approach in Hyperspherical Coordinates: The D(+)+H2 Reaction on the Triple-Sheeted DMBE Potential Energy Surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A
Sahoo T, Pollak E. (2015) Second order classical perturbation theory for the sticking probability of heavy atoms scattered on surfaces. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 143: 064706
Sahoo T, Ghosh S, Adhikari S, et al. (2015) Low-temperature D(+) + H2 reaction: a time-dependent coupled wave-packet study in hyperspherical coordinates. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 142: 024304
Mandal S, Sahoo T, Ghosh S, et al. (2015) The effect of phonon modes and electron–hole pair couplings on molecule–surface scattering processes Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. 14: 1550028
Mandal S, Sahoo T, Ghosh S, et al. (2015) The effect of surface temperature on H2/D2(v = 0, j = 0)–Ni(100) scattering processes Molecular Physics
Sahoo T, Ghosh S, Adhikari S, et al. (2014) Coupled 3D time-dependent wave-packet approach in hyperspherical coordinates: application to the adiabatic singlet-state(1(1)A') D(+) + H2 reaction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 118: 4837-50
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