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Robert (Bob) M. May grad student 1985 Princeton (Evolution Tree)
 (Temporal and Spatial Convergence in a Guild of Sap-feeding Insects on Early Goldenrod (Solidago Juncea Ait.; Asteraceae))


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William Emerson Snyder research assistant 1992-1995 Clemson University (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Travis H. Nation grad student 2005 Clemson University
Carrie N. Wells grad student 2014 Clemson University
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Sampson C, Leimgruber P, Rodriguez S, et al. (2019) Perception of Human–Elephant Conflict and Conservation Attitudes of Affected Communities in Myanmar Tropical Conservation Science. 12: 194008291983124
Wells CN, Tonkyn D. (2018) Changes in the Geographic Distribution of the Diana Fritillary (: Nymphalidae) under Forecasted Predictions of Climate Change. Insects. 9
Sampson C, McEvoy J, Oo ZM, et al. (2018) New elephant crisis in Asia-Early warning signs from Myanmar. Plos One. 13: e0194113
Sampson C, Leimgruber P, Tonkyn D, et al. (2018) Effects of illegal grazing and invasive Lantana camara on Asian elephant habitat use Biological Conservation. 220: 50-59
Sheehan KL, Tonkyn DW, Yarrow GK, et al. (2016) Parasite assemblages of Double-crested Cormorants as indicators of host populations and migration behavior Ecological Indicators. 67: 497-503
Wells CN, Marko PB, Tonkyn DW. (2015) The phylogeographic history of the threatened Diana fritillary, Speyeria diana (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): with implications for conservation Conservation Genetics
Wells CN, Tonkyn DW. (2014) Range collapse in the Diana fritillary, Speyeria diana (Nymphalidae) Insect Conservation and Diversity. 7: 365-380
Wells CN, Edwards L, Hawkins R, et al. (2011) A rearing method for Argynnis (Speyeria) diana (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) that avoids larval diapause Psyche
Jones MT, Voss SR, Ptacek MB, et al. (2006) River drainages and phylogeography: an evolutionary significant lineage of shovel-nosed salamander (Desmognathus marmoratus) in the southern Appalachians. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 38: 280-7
Brook BW, Tonkyn DW, O'Grady JJ, et al. (2002) Contribution of inbreeding to extinction risk in threatened species Ecology and Society. 6
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