Céline Hidalgo, Ph.D.

INS Aix-Marseille University 
"Céline Hidalgo"
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Hidalgo C, Zielinski C, Chen S, et al. (2024) Similar gaze behaviour during dialogue perception in congenitally deaf children with cochlear Implants and normal hearing children. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
Hidalgo C, Mohamed I, Zielinski C, et al. (2022) The effect of speech degradation on the ability to track and predict turn structure in conversation. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 151: 105-115
Pesnot Lerousseau J, Hidalgo C, Roman S, et al. (2022) Does auditory deprivation impairs statistical learning in the auditory modality? Cognition. 222: 105009
Hidalgo C, Zécri A, Pesnot-Lerousseau J, et al. (2020) Rhythmic Abilities of Children With Hearing Loss. Ear and Hearing
Pesnot Lerousseau J, Hidalgo C, Schön D. (2020) Musical Training for Auditory Rehabilitation in Hearing Loss. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 9
Hidalgo C, Pesnot-Lerousseau J, Marquis P, et al. (2019) Rhythmic Training Improves Temporal Anticipation and Adaptation Abilities in Children With Hearing Loss During Verbal Interaction. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-14
Hidalgo C, Falk S, Schön D. (2017) Speak on time! Effects of a musical rhythmic training on children with hearing loss. Hearing Research
Cason N, Hidalgo C, Isoard F, et al. (2015) Rhythmic priming enhances speech production abilities: evidence from prelingually deaf children. Neuropsychology. 29: 102-7
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