"Julien SERRES"
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Morice AHP, Rakotomamonjy T, Serres JR, et al. (2021) Ecological design of augmentation improves helicopter ship landing maneuvers: An approach in augmented virtuality. Plos One. 16: e0255779
Portelli G, Serres J, Ruffier F, et al. (2010) Modelling honeybee visual guidance in a 3-D environment. Journal of Physiology, Paris. 104: 27-39
Serres J, Dray D, Ruffier F, et al. (2008) A vision-based autopilot for a miniature air vehicle: Joint speed control and lateral obstacle avoidance Autonomous Robots. 25: 103-122
Franceschini N, Ruffier F, Serres J. (2007) A bio-inspired flying robot sheds light on insect piloting abilities. Current Biology : Cb. 17: 329-35
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