Jon Baker, Ph.D.

1980-1983 Chemistry The University of Sheffield 
"Jon Baker"

A Method for Molecular Ionization Potentials
J.Baker and B.T.Pickup, Chem.Phys.Letts. 76 (1980) 537

Propagator Calculations of Molecular Ionization Potentials
J.Baker and B.T.Pickup, Mol.Phys. 49 (1983) 651

Department of Quantum Chemistry, Uppsala University, Box 518, S‐75120 Uppsala, Sweden
EOM/Propagator Ionization Potentials: Extension of the Excitation Operator Manifold
J.Baker, Chem.Phys. 79 (1983) 117

EOM/Propagator Ionization Potentials: Prediction of Complete Valence Shell
Ionization Spectra using Direct Diagonalization
J.Baker, Chem.Phys.Letts. 101 (1983) 136

Prediction of the Valence Shell Ionization Spectrum of Hydrogen Fluoride using
Orthogonalized Direct Diagonalization
J.Baker, J.Chem.Phys. 80 (1984) 2693

EOM/Propagator Ionization Potentials: Effect of an Extended Operator Manifold on the Predicted Valence-Shell Ionization Spectra of Ethane, Ethylene and Acetylene
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Baker J. (2013) Compliance constants: are they of any real use? Wires Computational Molecular Science. 4: 111-115
Baker J, Janowski T, Wolinski K, et al. (2012) Recent developments in the PQS program Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science. 2: 63-72
Baker J, Wolinski K. (2011) An efficient parallel algorithm for the calculation of unrestricted canonical MP2 energies. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 32: 3304-12
Zhang S, Baker J, Pulay P. (2010) A reliable and efficient first principles-based method for predicting pK(a) values. 2. Organic acids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 114: 432-42
Zhang S, Baker J, Pulay P. (2010) A reliable and efficient first principles-based method for predicting pK(a) values. 1. Methodology. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 114: 425-31
Wolinski K, Baker J. (2010) Geometry optimization in the presence of external forces: a theoretical model for enforced structural changes in molecules Molecular Physics. 108: 1845-1856
Martin J, Baker J, Pulay P. (2009) Comments on the molecular geometry of ferrocene: The dangers of using quantum chemistry programs as black boxes. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 30: 881-3
Baker J, Wolinski K, Malagoli M, et al. (2009) Quantum chemistry in parallel with PQS. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 30: 317-35
Wolinski K, Baker J. (2009) Theoretical predictions of enforced structural changes in molecules Molecular Physics. 107: 2403-2417
Baker J, Wolinski K, Pulay P. (2007) Parallel DFT gradients using the Fourier Transform Coulomb method. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 28: 2581-8
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