Brooke K. Tata
Affiliations: | INSERM, Rennes, Bretagne, France |
Neuroendocrinology, GnRH neuronsGoogle:
"Brooke Tata"Mean distance: 19.4 (cluster 7) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorWilson Chung | research assistant | 2008-2010 | CU Boulder |
Pei-San Tsai | research assistant | 2008-2010 | CU Boulder |
Vincent Prevot | post-doc | 2015- |
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Tata B, Mimouni NEH, Barbotin AL, et al. (2018) Elevated prenatal anti-Müllerian hormone reprograms the fetus and induces polycystic ovary syndrome in adulthood. Nature Medicine |
Bouilly J, Messina A, Papadakis G, et al. (2017) DCC/NTN1 complex mutations in patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism impair GnRH neuron development. Human Molecular Genetics |
Tata BK, Harbulot C, Csaba Z, et al. (2017) Rabconnectin-3α is required for the morphological maturation of GnRH neurons and kisspeptin responsiveness. Scientific Reports. 7: 42463 |
Tata B, Huijbregts L, Jacquier S, et al. (2014) Haploinsufficiency of Dmxl2, encoding a synaptic protein, causes infertility associated with a loss of GnRH neurons in mouse. Plos Biology. 12: e1001952 |
Tata BK, Chung WC, Brooks LR, et al. (2012) Fibroblast growth factor signaling deficiencies impact female reproduction and kisspeptin neurons in mice. Biology of Reproduction. 86: 119 |
Chung WC, Matthews TA, Tata BK, et al. (2010) Compound deficiencies in multiple fibroblast growth factor signalling components differentially impact the murine gonadotrophin-releasing hormone system. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 22: 944-50 |