Norman Lam

2015-2020 Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 
"Norman Lam"
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Lam NH, Mukherjee A, Wimmer RD, et al. (2024) Prefrontal transthalamic uncertainty processing drives flexible switching. Nature
Huang AS, Wimmer RD, Lam NH, et al. (2024) A prefrontal thalamocortical readout for conflict-related executive dysfunction in schizophrenia. Cell Reports. Medicine. 5: 101802
Lam NH, Borduqui T, Hallak J, et al. (2021) Effects of Altered Excitation-Inhibition Balance on Decision Making in a Cortical Circuit Model. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Mukherjee A, Lam NH, Wimmer RD, et al. (2021) Thalamic circuits for independent control of prefrontal signal and noise. Nature
Mukherjee A, Bajwa N, Lam NH, et al. (2020) Variation of connectivity across exemplar sensory and associative thalamocortical loops in the mouse. Elife. 9
Cavanagh SE, Lam NH, Murray JD, et al. (2020) A circuit mechanism for decision-making biases and NMDA receptor hypofunction. Elife. 9
Shinn M, Lam NH, Murray JD. (2020) A flexible framework for simulating and fitting generalized drift-diffusion models. Elife. 9
Shinn M, Lam NH, Murray JD. (2020) Author response: A flexible framework for simulating and fitting generalized drift-diffusion models Elife
Cho YT, Lam NH, Starc M, et al. (2018) Effects of reward on spatial working memory in schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 127: 695-709
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