Stefan Hinz
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Lai A, Hinz S, Dong A, et al. (2024) Multi-Zone Visco-Node-Pore Sensing: A Microfluidic Platform for Multi-Frequency Viscoelastic Phenotyping of Single Cells. Advanced Science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany). e2406013 |
Todhunter ME, Miyano M, Carlson EG, et al. (2023) Sustained postconfluent culture of human mammary epithelial cells enriches for luminal and c-Kit+ subtypes. Breast Cancer Research : Bcr. 25: 6 |
Hinz S, Todhunter ME, LaBarge MA. (2022) Protocol for computationally evaluating the loss of stoichiometry and coordinated expression of proteins. Star Protocols. 3: 101182 |
Shalabi SF, Miyano M, Sayaman RW, et al. (2021) Evidence for accelerated aging in mammary epithelia of women carrying germline or mutations. Nature Aging. 1: 838-849 |
Li B, Cotner KL, Liu NK, et al. (2021) Evaluating sources of technical variability in the mechano-node-pore sensing pipeline and their effect on the reproducibility of single-cell mechanical phenotyping. Plos One. 16: e0258982 |
Hinz S, Manousopoulou A, Miyano M, et al. (2021) Deep proteome profiling of human mammary epithelia at lineage and age resolution. Iscience. 24: 103026 |
Miyano M, Sayaman RW, Shalabi SF, et al. (2021) Breast specific molecular clocks comprised of ELF5 expression and promoter methylation identify individuals susceptible to cancer initiation. Cancer Prevention Research (Philadelphia, Pa.) |
Hinz S, LaBarge MA. (2019) Hijacking EMT: Better Fat Than Dead. Cancer Cell. 35: 1-2 |
Engelsen A, Wnup-Lipinska K, Tiron C, et al. (2014) 362 Phenotypic plasticity in epithelial progenitors and mesenchymal carcinoma is regulated by Axl signaling European Journal of Cancer. 50: 117 |