Brian J. Willoughby

School of Family Life Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States 
"Brian Willoughby"
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Fraumeni-McBride J, Willoughby BJ. (2024) Women's Pornography Use Patterns and Sexuality Education in U.S. Public Schools. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Dover CR, Willoughby BJ. (2023) Sexual Behaviors as a Mediator Between Pornography Use and Heterosexual Relationship Outcomes. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Leonhardt ND, Busby DM, Disalvo K, et al. (2023) Orgasm Consistency in Mixed-Gender Couples: Actor, Partner, and Discrepancy Effects from Dyadic Response Surface Analysis. Journal of Sex Research. 1-12
Willoughby BJ, Dover CR. (2022) Context Matters: Moderating Effects in the Associations between Pornography Use, Perceived Addiction, and Relationship Well-being. Journal of Sex Research. 1-14
Leonhardt ND, Willoughby BJ, Dyer WJ, et al. (2021) One Line of Sexual Decline? Growth Mixture Modeling for Midlife Sexual Satisfaction. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Willoughby BJ, Leonhardt ND, Augustus RA. (2020) Associations Between Pornography Use and Sexual Dynamics Among Heterosexual Couples. The Journal of Sexual Medicine
Busby DM, Willoughby BJ, Chiu HY, et al. (2020) Measuring the Multidimensional Construct of Pornography: A Long and Short Version of the Pornography Usage Measure. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Willoughby B, Leonhardt N, Augustus R. (2020) Untangling the Porn Web: Creating an Organizing Framework for Pornography Research Among Couples Journal of Sex Research. 57: 709-721
Willoughby BJ, Leonhardt ND. (2020) Behind Closed Doors: Individual and Joint Pornography Use Among Romantic Couples. Journal of Sex Research. 57: 77-91
Vaillancourt-Morel M, Rosen NO, Willoughby BJ, et al. (2020) Pornography use and romantic relationships: A dyadic daily diary study: Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 37: 2802-2821
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