Klaus Kalmring, Ph. D.

Neurophysiology Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Hessen, Germany 
auditory processing and auditory communication especially in Orthopterans
"Klaus Kalmring"

(1931 - 2015)
Biography published here:
Hoch, H., Čokl, A., Jatho, M., Lakes-Harlan, R., Rössler, W., & Stiedl, O. (2017). “The most beautiful profession in the world…” In memoriam Klaus Kalmring (1931–2015). Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 203(2), 91-97. doi:10.1007/s00359-016-1141-9

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Bangert M, Kalmring K, Sickmann T, et al. (1998) Stimulus transmission in the auditory receptor organs of the foreleg of bushcrickets (Tettigoniidae) I. The role of the tympana. Hearing Research. 115: 27-38
Sickmann T, Kalmring K, Willer A. (1997) The auditory-vibratory system of the bushcricket Polysarcus denticauda (Phaneropterinae, Tettigoniidae). I. Morphology of the complex tibial organs. Hearing Research. 104: 155-166
Kalmring K, Sickmann T, Jatho M, et al. (1997) The auditory‐vibratory sensory system of Polysarcus denticauda (Phaneropterinae, Tettigoniidae): III. Physiology of the ventral cord neurons ascending to the head ganglia Journal of Experimental Zoology. 279: 9-28
Kalmring K, Hoffmann E, Jatho M, et al. (1996) The auditory‐vibratory sensory system of the bushcricket Polysarcus denticauda (Phaneropterinae, Tettigoniidae) II. physiology of receptor cells Journal of Experimental Zoology. 276: 315-329
Lin Y, Rössler W, Kalmring K. (1995) Morphology of the tibial organs of acrididae: Comparison of subgenual and distal organs in fore-, mid-, and hindlegs of Schistocerca gregaria (Acrididae, Catantopinae) and Locusta migratoria (Acrididae, Oedipodinae). Journal of Morphology. 226: 351-360
Jeram S, Rössler W, Čokl A, et al. (1995) Structure of atympanate tibial organs in legs of the cave-living ensifera, Troglophilus neglectus (Gryllacridoidea, Raphidophoridae). Journal of Morphology. 223: 109-118
Cokl A, Kalmring K, Rössler W. (1995) Physiology of atympanate tibial organs in forelegs and midlegs of the cave-living Ensifera,Troglophilus neglectus (Raphidophoridae, Gryllacridoidea) Journal of Experimental Zoology. 273: 376-388
Kalmring K, Rössler W, Hoffmann E, et al. (1995) Causes of the differences in detection of low frequencies in the auditory receptor organs of two species of bushcrickets Journal of Experimental Zoology. 272: 103-115
Lin Y, Rössler W, Kalmring K. (1994) Complex tibial organs in fore-, mid-, and hindlegs of the bushcricket Gampsocleis gratiosa (Tettigoniidae): Comparison of morphology of the organs. Journal of Morphology. 221: 191-198
Jatho M, Schul J, Stiedl O, et al. (1994) Specific differences in sound production and pattern recognition in tettigoniids. Behavioural Processes. 31: 293-300
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