Lili Lyu

2014-2020 Institute of Neuroscience Chinese Academic Science 
"Lili Lyu"
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Song F, Lyu L, Bao M. (2023) Adaptation of Ocular Opponency Neurons Mediates Attention-Induced Ocular Dominance Plasticity. Neuroscience Bulletin
Song F, Lyu L, Zhao J, et al. (2022) The role of eye-specific attention in ocular dominance plasticity. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
He X, Liu W, Qin N, et al. (2021) Performance-dependent reward hurts performance: The non-monotonic attentional load modulation on task-irrelevant distractor processing. Psychophysiology. e13920
Lyu L, He S, Jiang Y, et al. (2020) Natural-scene-based Steady-state Visual Evoked Potentials Reveal Effects of Short-term Monocular Deprivation. Neuroscience
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