Hannah Scheiblich

University of Bonn, Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 
"Hannah Scheiblich"
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Scheiblich H, Eikens F, Wischhof L, et al. (2024) Microglia rescue neurons from aggregate-induced neuronal dysfunction and death through tunneling nanotubes. Neuron
Scheiblich H, Steinert JR. (2021) Nitrergic modulation of neuronal excitability in the mouse hippocampus is mediated via regulation of Kv2 and voltage-gated sodium channels. Hippocampus
Bourgognon JM, Spiers JG, Robinson SW, et al. (2021) Inhibition of neuroinflammatory nitric oxide signaling suppresses glycation and prevents neuronal dysfunction in mouse prion disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118
Bourgognon JM, Spiers JG, Scheiblich H, et al. (2018) Alterations in neuronal metabolism contribute to the pathogenesis of prion disease. Cell Death and Differentiation
Scheiblich H, Bicker G. (2017) Regulation of Microglial Phagocytosis by RhoA/ROCK-Inhibiting Drugs. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 37: 461-473
Scheiblich H, Bicker G. (2016) Nitric oxide regulates antagonistically phagocytic and neurite outgrowth inhibiting capacities of microglia. Developmental Neurobiology. 76: 566-84
Roloff F, Scheiblich H, Dewitz C, et al. (2015) Enhanced neurite outgrowth of human model (NT2) neurons by small-molecule inhibitors of Rho/ROCK signaling. Plos One. 10: e0118536
Scheiblich H, Bicker G. (2015) Regulation of microglial migration, phagocytosis, and neurite outgrowth by HO-1/CO signaling. Developmental Neurobiology. 75: 854-76
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