Matt J Dunn, PhD

2013- School of Optometry and Vision Sciences Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom 
Psychophysics, Neurocybernetics, Perception
"Matt J Dunn"
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Dunn MJ, Alexander RG, Amiebenomo OM, et al. (2024) Author Correction: Minimal reporting guideline for research involving eye tracking (2023 edition). Behavior Research Methods
Almagren B, Dunn MJ. (2023) Measurement of visual function in infantile nystagmus: a systematic review. The British Journal of Ophthalmology
Dunn MJ, Carter P, Self J, et al. (2023) Eyetracking-enhanced VEP for nystagmus. Scientific Reports. 13: 22812
Holmqvist K, Örbom SL, Hooge ITC, et al. (2023) Retraction Note: Eye tracking: empirical foundations for a minimal reporting guideline. Behavior Research Methods
Chawner SJRA, Paine AL, Dunn MJ, et al. (2023) Neurodevelopmental dimensional assessment of young children at high genomic risk of neuropsychiatric conditions. Jcpp Advances. 3: e12162
Thomas N, Acton JH, Erichsen JT, et al. (2023) Reliability of gaze-contingent perimetry. Behavior Research Methods
Dunn MJ, Alexander RG, Amiebenomo OM, et al. (2023) Minimal reporting guideline for research involving eye tracking (2023 edition). Behavior Research Methods
Ceroni F, Osborne D, Clokie S, et al. (2022) Analysis of Fibroblast Growth Factor 14 (FGF14) structural variants reveals the genetic basis of the early onset nystagmus locus NYS4 and variable ataxia. European Journal of Human Genetics : Ejhg
Thomas N, Dunn MJ, Woodhouse JM. (2022) Voluntary Flutter Presenting During Ophthalmoscopy: A Case Report. Case Reports in Ophthalmology. 13: 286-291
Holmqvist K, Örbom SL, Hooge ITC, et al. (2022) Eye tracking: empirical foundations for a minimal reporting guideline. Behavior Research Methods
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