Theresa M. Lee

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
biological rhythms
"Theresa Lee"
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Ana Kantorowski research assistant University of Michigan
John Meixner research assistant University of Michigan
Blair C. Sutton research assistant University of Michigan
Andrew M. Vosko research assistant 2001-2006 University of Michigan
Jessica M. Thomas research assistant 2006-2008 UIUC
Namni Goel grad student University of Michigan
Marcia M. Governale grad student University of Michigan
Susan E. Labyak grad student University of Michigan
Leslie Meek grad student University of Michigan
David Parfitt grad student University of Michigan
Gretchen Reeves grad student University of Michigan
Eila K. Roberts grad student University of Michigan
Jin Yan grad student University of Michigan
Karen J. Parker grad student 2000 University of Michigan
Tammy  J. Jechura grad student 2002 University of Michigan
Stephanie A. Jesseau grad student 2004 University of Michigan
Daniel L. Hummer grad student 2006 University of Michigan
Jennifer A. Mohawk grad student 2006 University of Michigan
Nicola M. Grissom grad student 2009 University of Michigan
Melynda D. Casement grad student 2010 University of Michigan
Megan Hastings Hagenauer grad student 2004-2010 University of Michigan
Howard J. Gritton grad student 2011 University of Michigan
Jamie I. Perryman grad student 2011 University of Michigan
Michael R. Gorman post-doc University of Michigan
Megan M. Mahoney post-doc University of Michigan
Giovanna Paolone post-doc University of Michigan
Elizabeth Peckham post-doc University of Michigan
BETA: Related publications


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Hummer DL, Lee TM. (2016) Daily Timing of the Adolescent Sleep Phase: Insights from a Cross-Species Comparison. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Brown EC, Steadman CJ, Lee TM, et al. (2015) Sex differences and effects of prenatal exposure to excess testosterone on ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons in adult sheep. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 41: 1157-66
Hagenauer MH, Lee TM. (2013) Adolescent sleep patterns in humans and laboratory animals. Hormones and Behavior. 64: 270-9
Otalora BB, Hagenauer MH, Rol MA, et al. (2013) Period gene expression in the brain of a dual-phasing rodent, the Octodon degus. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 28: 249-61
Palacios AG, Lee TM. (2013) Husbandry and breeding in the Octodon degu (Molina 1782). Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2013: 350-3
Ardiles AO, Ewer J, Acosta ML, et al. (2013) Octodon degus (Molina 1782): a model in comparative biology and biomedicine. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2013: 312-8
Gritton HJ, Stasiak AM, Sarter M, et al. (2013) Cognitive performance as a zeitgeber: cognitive oscillators and cholinergic modulation of the SCN entrain circadian rhythms. Plos One. 8: e56206
Jackson LM, Mytinger A, Roberts EK, et al. (2013) Developmental programming: postnatal steroids complete prenatal steroid actions to differentially organize the GnRH surge mechanism and reproductive behavior in female sheep. Endocrinology. 154: 1612-23
Paolone G, Lee TM, Sarter M. (2012) Time to pay attention: attentional performance time-stamped prefrontal cholinergic activation, diurnality, and performance. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 32: 12115-28
Hummer DL, Peckham EM, Lee TM. (2012) Estradiol acts during a post-pubertal sensitive period to shorten free-running circadian period in male Octodon degus. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 36: 3051-8
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