Yuval Edri

Solar Energy and Environmental Physics Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be'er Sheva, South District, Israel 
"Yuval Edri"
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Edri Y, Meron E, Yochelis A. (2020) Spatial heterogeneity may form an inverse camel shaped Arnol'd tongue in parametrically forced oscillations. Chaos. 30: 23120
Edri Y, Meron E, Yochelis A. (2020) Spatial asymmetries of resonant oscillations in periodically forced heterogeneous media Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 410: 132501
Edri Y, Bozovic D, Meron E, et al. (2018) Molding the asymmetry of localized frequency-locking waves by a generalized forcing and implications to the inner ear. Physical Review. E. 98: 020202
Edri Y, Bozovic D, Yochelis A. (2016) Frequency locking in auditory hair cells: Distinguishing between additive and parametric forcing Epl. 116: 28002
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