Ashok Venkitaraman

University of Cambridge and MRC 
"Ashok Venkitaraman"
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Scott DE, Francis-Newton NJ, Marsh ME, et al. (2021) A small-molecule inhibitor of the BRCA2-RAD51 interaction modulates RAD51 assembly and potentiates DNA damage-induced cell death. Cell Chemical Biology
Haas KT, Fries MW, Venkitaraman AR, et al. (2021) Single-Cell Biochemical Multiplexing by Multidimensional Phasor Demixing and Spectral Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy Frontiers in Physics. 9
Kong LR, Ong RW, Tan TZ, et al. (2020) Targeting codon 158 p53-mutant cancers via the induction of p53 acetylation. Nature Communications. 11: 2086
De S, Campbell C, Venkitaraman AR, et al. (2020) Pulsatile MAPK Signaling Modulates p53 Activity to Control Cell Fate Decisions at the G2 Checkpoint for DNA Damage. Cell Reports
Trinh AL, Ber S, Howitt A, et al. (2019) Fast single-cell biochemistry: theory, open source microscopy and applications. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence. 7: 44001-44001
Esposito A, Venkitaraman AR. (2019) Enhancing Biochemical Resolution by Hyperdimensional Imaging Microscopy. Biophysical Journal. 116: 1815-1822
Venkitaraman A. (2019) Abstract ES12-1: BRCA2 and control of transcription: R-loop dynamics Cancer Research. 79
Haas KT, Lee M, Esposito A, et al. (2018) Single-molecule localization microscopy reveals molecular transactions during RAD51 filament assembly at cellular DNA damage sites. Nucleic Acids Research
Popleteeva M, Haas KT, Stoppa D, et al. (2015) Fast and simple spectral FLIM for biochemical and medical imaging. Optics Express. 23: 23511-25
Liang H, Esposito A, De S, et al. (2014) Homeostatic control of polo-like kinase-1 engenders non-genetic heterogeneity in G2 checkpoint fidelity and timing. Nature Communications. 5: 4048
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