Dimitrios Katsavelis

Exercise Science Creighton University, Omaha, NE, United States 
"Dimitrios Katsavelis"
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Lesnak JB, Anderson DT, Farmer BE, et al. (2019) Ability of Isokinetic Dynamometer to Predict 1 Repetition Maximum Isotonic Knee Extension. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 1-18
Lesnak J, Anderson D, Farmer B, et al. (2019) VALIDITY OF HAND-HELD DYNAMOMETRY IN MEASURING QUADRICEPS STRENGTH AND RATE OF TORQUE DEVELOPMENT. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 14: 180-187
White AK, Klemetson CJ, Farmer B, et al. (2018) COMPARISON OF CLINICAL FATIGUE PROTOCOLS TO DECREASE SINGLE-LEG FORWARD HOP PERFORMANCE IN HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 13: 143-151
Katsavelis D, Threlkeld AJ. (2014) Quantifying thigh muscle co-activation during isometric knee extension contractions: Within- and between-session reliability Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 24: 502-507
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