William Thomas Coffey

1975 Trinity College Dublin (University of Dublin) (Ireland) 
"William Coffey"
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Titov SV, Coffey WT, Dowling WJ, et al. (2020) Anomalous diffusion of molecules with rotating polar groups: The joint role played by inertia and dipole coupling in microwave and far-infrared absorption. Physical Review. E. 102: 052130
Coffey WT, Crothers DS, Dormann JL, et al. (2019) Effect of an oblique magnetic field on the superparamagnetic relaxation time. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 52: 15951-15965
Wei N, Déjardin PM, Kalmykov YP, et al. (2016) External dc bias-field effects in the nonlinear ac stationary response of dipolar particles in a mean-field potential. Physical Review. E. 93: 042208
Kalmykov YP, Coffey WT, Atxitia U, et al. (2010) Damping dependence of the reversal time of the magnetization of single-domain ferromagnetic particles for the Néel-Brown model: Langevin dynamics simulations versus analytic results Physical Review B. 82
Coffey WT, Déjardin P, Kalmykov YP. (2009) Reversal time of the magnetization of single-domain ferromagnetic particles with mixed uniaxial and cubic anisotropy Physical Review B. 79
Titov SV, Kalmykov YP, Coffey WT. (2008) Inertial effects in the nonlinear transient relaxation of rigid rodlike molecules in a strong dc electric field. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 129: 144505
Coffey WT, Kalmykov YP, Titov SV. (2007) Anomalous nonlinear dielectric and Kerr effect relaxation steady state responses in superimposed ac and dc electric fields. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 126: 084502
Coffey WT, Crothers DS, Kalmykov YP, et al. (2005) Nonlinear response of permanent dipoles in a uniaxial potential to alternating fields. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 71: 062102
Kalmykov YP, Coffey WT, Ouari B, et al. (2005) Damping dependence of the magnetization relaxation time of single-domain ferromagnetic particles Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 292: 372-384
Titov SV, Kalmykov YP, Coffey WT. (2004) Inertial effects in anomalous dielectric relaxation of symmetrical top molecules. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 69: 031114
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