Thomas A. Cleland, Ph.D.

Psychology Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
Neural systems, olfaction, behavior, computation, physiology
Mean distance: 13.1 (cluster 17)


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Allen I. Selverston grad student 1991-1997 UCSD
John S. Kauer post-doc 1997-1999 Tufts Medical School
Michael E. Hasselmo post-doc 1999-2000 Boston University
Christiane Linster post-doc 2000-2004 Cornell


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Loren M. DeVito research assistant University of Toronto/Hospital for Sick Children
Kim M Gruver research assistant 2011-2013 Cornell
Jessica Gaby grad student Cornell
Shane Thomas Peace grad student Cornell
Anuttama Sheela Mohan grad student Cornell
Katherine Xie grad student
SiWei Luo grad student 2009- Cornell
Ayon Borthakur grad student 2014- Cornell
Michelle Tong grad student 2010-2015 Cornell
BETA: Related publications


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Peace ST, Johnson BC, Werth JC, et al. (2024) Coherent olfactory bulb gamma oscillations arise from coupling independent columnar oscillators. Journal of Neurophysiology
Gronowitz ME, Liu A, Qiu Q, et al. (2021) A physicochemical model of odor sampling. Plos Computational Biology. 17: e1009054
Cleland TA, Borthakur A. (2020) A Systematic Framework for Olfactory Bulb Signal Transformations. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 14: 579143
Levinson M, Kolenda JP, Alexandrou GJ, et al. (2020) Context-dependent odor learning requires the anterior olfactory nucleus. Behavioral Neuroscience
Cleland TA, Linster C. (2019) Central olfactory structures. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 164: 79-96
Borthakur A, Cleland TA. (2019) A Spike Time-Dependent Online Learning Algorithm Derived From Biological Olfaction. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 13: 656
Borthakur A, Cleland TA. (2019) Signal Conditioning for Learning in the Wild Arxiv: Neural and Evolutionary Computing
Li G, Cleland TA. (2018) Generative Biophysical Modeling of Dynamical Networks in the Olfactory System. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1820: 265-288
Tong MT, Kim TP, Cleland TA. (2018) Kinase activity in the olfactory bulb is required for odor memory consolidation. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 25: 198-205
Li G, Cleland TA. (2017) A coupled-oscillator model of olfactory bulb gamma oscillations. Plos Computational Biology. 13: e1005760
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