Jeremy D. Hyman, Ph.D.

Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, United States 
"Jeremy Hyman"
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R. Haven Wiley grad student 2001 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Territorial communication in a songbird, the Carolina wren.)
Stephen Nowicki post-doc 2001-2006 Duke
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Krippel J, Ballentine B, Hyman J. (2017) Reproductive Consequences of Aggression in a Territorial Songbird Ethology. 123: 261-269
Myers RE, Hyman J. (2016) Differences in measures of boldness even when underlying behavioral syndromes are present in two populations of the song sparrow ( Melospiza melodia ) Journal of Ethology. 34: 197-206
Gigante P, McDowell MM, Bruce SS, et al. (2013) Reduction in upper-extremity tone after lumbar selective dorsal rhizotomy in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Journal of Neurosurgery. Pediatrics. 12: 588-94
Krippel J, Hyman J, Myers R. (2013) Personality influences alarm calling behaviour in song sparrows Behaviour. 150: 1147-1164
Scales J, Hyman J, Hughes M. (2013) Fortune favours the aggressive: Territory quality and behavioural syndromes in song sparrows, Melospiza melodia Animal Behaviour. 85: 441-451
Hass T, Hyman J, Semmens BX. (2012) Climate change, heightened hurricane activity, and extinction risk for an endangered tropical seabird, the black-capped petrel Pterodroma hasitata Marine Ecology Progress Series. 454: 251-261
Hughes M, Hyman J. (2011) Should I Stay or Should I Go Now: Late Establishment and Low Site Fidelity as Alternative Territorial Behaviors Ethology. 117: 979-991
Scales J, Hyman J, Hughes M. (2011) Behavioral syndromes break down in urban song sparrow populations Ethology. 117: 887-895
Evans J, Boudreau K, Hyman J. (2010) Behavioural Syndromes in Urban and Rural Populations of Song Sparrows Ethology. 116: 588-595
Hyman J, Hughes M. (2006) Territory owners discriminate between aggressive and nonaggressive neighbours Animal Behaviour. 72: 209-215
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