Frances Orton
Affiliations: | School of science and sport | University of the West of Scotland |
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Sign in to add traineeCatherine Helen Whatley | grad student | 2020-2023 | University of the West of Scotland |
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Orton F, Mangan S, Newton L, et al. (2022) Non-destructive methods to assess health of wild tropical frogs (túngara frogs: Engystomops pustulosus) in Trinidad reveal negative impacts of agricultural land. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International |
Orton F, Svanholm S, Jansson E, et al. (2020) A laboratory investigation into features of morphology and physiology for their potential to predict reproductive success in male frogs. Plos One. 15: e0241625 |
Orton F, Svanholm S, Jansson E, et al. (2020) A laboratory investigation into features of morphology and physiology for their potential to predict reproductive success in male frogs. Plos One. 15: e0241625 |
Arrebola JP, Molina-Molina JM, Fernández MF, et al. (2015) A novel biomarker for anti-androgenic activity in placenta reveals risks of urogenital malformations. Reproduction (Cambridge, England). 149: 605-13 |
Orton F, Tyler CR. (2014) Do hormone-modulating chemicals impact on reproduction and development of wild amphibians? Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society |
Orton F, Tyler CR. (2014) Do hormone-modulating chemicals impact on reproduction and development of wild amphibians? Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society |
Orton F, Baynes A, Clare F, et al. (2014) Body size, nuptial pad size and hormone levels: potential non-destructive biomarkers of reproductive health in wild toads (Bufo bufo). Ecotoxicology (London, England). 23: 1359-65 |
Orton F, Baynes A, Clare F, et al. (2014) Body size, nuptial pad size and hormone levels: potential non-destructive biomarkers of reproductive health in wild toads (Bufo bufo). Ecotoxicology (London, England). 23: 1359-65 |
Orton F, Routledge E. (2011) Agricultural intensity in ovo affects growth, metamorphic development and sexual differentiation in the common toad (Bufo bufo). Ecotoxicology (London, England). 20: 901-11 |
Orton F, Routledge E. (2011) Agricultural intensity in ovo affects growth, metamorphic development and sexual differentiation in the common toad (Bufo bufo). Ecotoxicology (London, England). 20: 901-11 |