Kimin Eom

Singapore Management University, Singapore, Singapore 
"Kimin Eom"
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Kwang Hee Han grad student
Heejung Kim grad student (PsychTree)
David Sherman grad student (PsychTree)
Eunkook M Suh grad student (PsychTree)
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Ramos J, Grant MD, Dickert S, et al. (2022) Structured reflection increases intentions to reduce other people's health risks during COVID-19. Pnas Nexus. 1: pgac218
Leong S, Eom K, Ishii K, et al. (2022) Individual costs and community benefits: Collectivism and individuals' compliance with public health interventions. Plos One. 17: e0275388
Flores A, Cole JC, Dickert S, et al. (2022) Politicians polarize and experts depolarize public support for COVID-19 management policies across countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119
Kim HS, Eom K, Chuang R, et al. (2021) Psychology and the Threat of Contagion: Feeling Vulnerable to a Disease Moderates the Link Between Xenophobic Thoughts and Support for Ingroup-Protective Actions. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 1461672211037138
Chuang R, Eom K, Kim HS. (2021) Religion, Social Connectedness, and Xenophobic Responses to Ebola. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 678141
Sherman DK, Updegraff JA, Handy MS, et al. (2021) Beliefs and Social Norms as Precursors of Environmental Support: The Joint Influence of Collectivism and Socioeconomic Status. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 1461672211007252
Eom K, Saad CS, Kim HS. (2020) Religiosity Moderates the Link Between Environmental Beliefs and Pro-Environmental Support: The Role of Belief in a Controlling God. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167220948712
Lawrie SI, Eom K, Moza D, et al. (2019) Cultural Variability in the Association Between Age and Well-Being: The Role of Uncertainty Avoidance. Psychological Science. 956797619887348
Eom K, Kim HS, Sherman DK, et al. (2016) Cultural Variability in the Link Between Environmental Concern and Support for Environmental Action. Psychological Science
De Leersnyder J, Mesquita B, Kim H, et al. (2014) Emotional fit with culture: a predictor of individual differences in relational well-being. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 14: 241-5
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