Antje Ihlefeld

Biomedical Engineering New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, United States 
Psychoacoustics, Cochlear Implants, computational modeling
"Antje Ihlefeld"
Mean distance: 13.42 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: PsychTree - CSD Tree


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Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham grad student 2001-2007 Boston University
 (Strategies of spatial listening for speech comprehension.)
Gerald Kidd Jr. post-doc Boston University
Robert P. Carlyon post-doc 2007-2009 MRC-CBU
Ruth Litovsky post-doc 2010-2011 UW Madison
Dan H. Sanes research scientist 2011-2014 NYU
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Alamatsaz N, Rosen MJ, Ihlefeld A. (2024) Increased reliance on temporal coding when target sound is softer than the background. Scientific Reports. 14: 4457
Peng ZE, Waz S, Buss E, et al. (2022) FORUM: Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 151: 3116
Zhang M, Denison RN, Pelli DG, et al. (2021) An auditory-visual tradeoff in susceptibility to clutter. Scientific Reports. 11: 23540
Zhang M, Alamatsaz N, Ihlefeld A. (2021) Hemodynamic Responses Link Individual Differences in Informational Masking to the Vicinity of Superior Temporal Gyrus. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 15: 675326
Alamatsaz N, Ihlefeld A. (2021) TEACHING ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT FUNDAMENTALS VIA REMOTE LABORATORY CURRICULUM. Biomedical Engineering Education. 1: 105-108
Ye Y, Ihlefeld A, Rosen MJ. (2021) Conductive hearing loss during development does not appreciably alter the sharpness of cochlear tuning. Scientific Reports. 11: 3955
Ihlefeld A, Alamatsaz N, Shapley RM. (2019) Population rate-coding predicts correctly that human sound localization depends on sound intensity. Elife. 8
Ihlefeld A, Alamatsaz N, Shapley RM. (2019) Author response: Population rate-coding predicts correctly that human sound localization depends on sound intensity Elife
Ihlefeld A, Alamatsaz N, Shapley RM. (2019) Circling back on theories of sound localization The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 145: 1759-1759
Mehta K, Kliewer J, Ihlefeld A. (2018) Quantifying Neuronal Information Flow in Response to Frequency and Intensity Changes in the Auditory Cortex. Conference Record. Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems & Computers. 2018: 1367-1371
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