Joseph P. Hegmann

Biology University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 
Behavioral Genetics
"Joseph Paul Hegmann"

(1940 - 2011)

Mean distance: 18.36 (cluster 7)


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John C. DeFries grad student 1968 UIUC
 (A Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Components of Open-field Behavior in Mice)
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Possidente B, Hegmann JP. (1982) Gene differences modify Aschoff's rule in mice. Physiology & Behavior. 28: 199-200
Schneider JE, Lynch CB, Possidente B, et al. (1982) Genetic association between progesterone-induced and maternal nesting in mice. Physiology & Behavior. 29: 97-105
Possidente B, Hegmann JP, Carlson L, et al. (1982) Pigment mutations associated with altered circadian rhythms in mice. Physiology & Behavior. 28: 389-92
Hegmann JP, Possidente B. (1981) Estimating genetic correlations from inbred strains. Behavior Genetics. 11: 103-14
Possidente B, Hegmann JP, Elder B, et al. (1980) Dissociation of circadian rhythms for food and water consumption in mice. Physiology & Behavior. 25: 279-81
Possidente B, Hegmann JP. (1980) Circadian complexes: Circadian rhythms under common gene control Journal of Comparative Physiology ■ B. 139: 121-125
Possidente B, Hegmann JP, O'Rourke S, et al. (1979) Control of behavioral circadian rhythms for nesting and wheel running in mice. Physiology & Behavior. 23: 1141-6
Hegmann JP. (1979) A gene-imposed nervous system difference influencing behavioral covariance. Behavior Genetics. 9: 165-75
Spivey BE, Mash AJ, Hegmann JP. (1979) Estimates of genetic correlations among clinical measures of the eye. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 88: 502-5
Hegmann JP. (1979) Gene influences timing the development of size and nervous system functional differences. Behavioral and Neural Biology. 25: 510-22
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