Michel Droux

CNRS & Université de Lyon 
"Michel Droux"
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Ruffet ML, Droux M, Douce R. (2019) Purification and Kinetic Properties of Serine Acetyltransferase Free of O-Acetylserine(thiol)lyase from Spinach Chloroplasts. Plant Physiology. 104: 597-604
Miginiac-Maslow M, Jacquot JP, Droux M. (2014) Energetic aspects of the light activation of two chloroplast enzymes: fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and NADP-malate dehydrogenase. Photosynthesis Research. 6: 201-13
Lavergne D, Droux M, Jacquot JP, et al. (2013) Bundle-sheath thylakoids from NADP-malic enzyme-type C4 plants require an exogenous electron donor for enzyme light activation. Planta. 166: 187-93
Morel M, Ngadin AA, Droux M, et al. (2009) The fungal glutathione S-transferase system. Evidence of new classes in the wood-degrading basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences : Cmls. 66: 3711-25
Bally J, Paget E, Droux M, et al. (2008) Both the stroma and thylakoid lumen of tobacco chloroplasts are competent for the formation of disulphide bonds in recombinant proteins. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 6: 46-61
Reichheld JP, Khafif M, Riondet C, et al. (2007) Inactivation of thioredoxin reductases reveals a complex interplay between thioredoxin and glutathione pathways in Arabidopsis development. The Plant Cell. 19: 1851-65
Rouhier N, Villarejo A, Srivastava M, et al. (2005) Identification of plant glutaredoxin targets. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 7: 919-29
Droux M. (2004) Sulfur assimilation and the role of sulfur in plant metabolism: a survey. Photosynthesis Research. 79: 331-48
Droux M. (2004) Sulfur assimilation and the role of sulfur in plant metabolism: a survey. Photosynthesis Research. 79: 331-48
Balmer Y, Vensel WH, Tanaka CK, et al. (2004) Thioredoxin links redox to the regulation of fundamental processes of plant mitochondria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101: 2642-7
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