Lee Willerman, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
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"Lee Willerman"Mean distance: 106866
Sign in to add traineeNaftali Raz | grad student | 1979-1985 | UT Austin |
Eric Turkheimer | grad student | 1979-1985 | UT Austin |
J. Michael Bailey | grad student | 1982-1989 | University of Texas |
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Loehlin JC, Horn JM, Willerman L. (1994) Differential inheritance of mental abilities in the Texas adoption project Intelligence. 19: 325-336 |
Bailey JM, Miller JS, Willerman L. (1993) Maternally rated childhood gender nonconformity in homosexuals and heterosexuals. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 22: 461-9 |
Willerman L, Loehlin JC, Horn JM. (1992) An adoption and a cross-fostering study of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Psychopathic Deviate Scale. Behavior Genetics. 22: 515-29 |
Bailey JM, Willerman L, Parks C. (1991) A test of the maternal stress theory of human male homosexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 20: 277-93 |
Loehlin JC, Horn JM, Willerman L. (1990) Heredity, environment, and personality change: evidence from the Texas Adoption Project. Journal of Personality. 58: 221-43 |
Loehlin JC, Horn JM, Willerman L. (1989) Modeling IQ change: evidence from the Texas Adoption Project. Child Development. 60: 993-1004 |
Loehlin JC, Willerman L, Horn JM. (1988) Human behavior genetics. Annual Review of Psychology. 39: 101-33 |
Loehlin JC, Willerman L, Horn JM. (1987) Personality Resemblance in Adoptive Families: A 10-Year Follow-up Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 53: 961-969 |
Loehlin JC, Willerman L, Horn JM. (1987) Personality resemblance in adoptive families: A 10-year follow-up. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 53: 961-969 |
Raz N, Willerman L, Yama M. (1987) On sense and senses: Intelligence and auditory information processing Personality and Individual Differences. 8: 201-210 |