Jyotsna Dhawan

1989-1993 CCMB, Hyderabad 
"Jyotsna Dhawan"
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Devan P, Ghosh A, Rao T P, et al. (2024) Enhanced secretion of promyogenic exosomes by quiescent muscle cells. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 12: 1381357
Purohit G, Ramesh A, Patel AB, et al. (2024) NMR-based comparative metabolomics of quiescent muscle cells. Journal of Biosciences. 49
Atmakuru PS, Dhawan J. (2023) The cilium-centrosome axis in coupling cell cycle exit and cell fate. Journal of Cell Science. 136
Roy N, Sundar S, Pillai M, et al. (2021) mRNP granule proteins Fmrp and Dcp1a differentially regulate mRNP complexes to contribute to control of muscle stem cell quiescence and activation. Skeletal Muscle. 11: 18
Puri D, Swamy CVB, Dhawan J, et al. (2020) Comparative nuclear matrix proteome analysis of skeletal muscle cells in different cellular states. Cell Biology International
Saleh A, Subramaniam G, Raychaudhuri S, et al. (2019) Cytoplasmic sequestration of the RhoA effector mDiaphanous1 by Prohibitin2 promotes muscle differentiation. Scientific Reports. 9: 8302
Arora R, Rumman M, Venugopal N, et al. (2017) Mimicking Muscle Stem Cell Quiescence in Culture: Methods for Synchronization in Reversible Arrest. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1556: 283-302
Cheedipudi S, Gala HP, Puri D, et al. (2015) Identification of PRDM2 regulated genes in quiescent C2C12 myoblasts. Genomics Data. 6: 264-6
Cheedipudi S, Puri D, Saleh A, et al. (2015) A fine balance: epigenetic control of cellular quiescence by the tumor suppressor PRDM2/RIZ at a bivalent domain in the cyclin a gene. Nucleic Acids Research. 43: 6236-56
Vyas N, Walvekar A, Tate D, et al. (2014) Vertebrate Hedgehog is secreted on two types of extracellular vesicles with different signaling properties. Scientific Reports. 4: 7357
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