Johanna Seitz-Holland

2014-2020 Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, München, Bayern, Germany 
"Johanna Seitz-Holland"
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Inga Katharina Koerte grad student 2014-2020 Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
 (Starting in 2014, Johanna wrote her doctoral thesis at cBRAIN using diffusion tensor imaging techniques to understand early course schizophrenia and graduated in January 2020.)
Marek R. Kubicki post-doc 2019- Harvard Medical School
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Jacobs GR, Coleman MJ, Lewandowski KE, et al. (2024) An Introduction to the Human Connectome Project for Early Psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin
Rojczyk P, Seitz-Holland J, Heller C, et al. (2024) Posttraumatic survivor guilt is associated with white matter microstructure alterations. Journal of Affective Disorders
Rojczyk P, Heller C, Seitz-Holland J, et al. (2024) Intimate partner violence perpetration among veterans: associations with neuropsychiatric symptoms and limbic microstructure. Frontiers in Neurology. 15: 1360424
Cho KIK, Zhang F, Penzel N, et al. (2024) Excessive interstitial free-water in cortical gray matter preceding accelerated volume changes in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis. Molecular Psychiatry
Betz AK, Cetin-Karayumak S, Bonke EM, et al. (2024) Executive functioning, behavior, and white matter microstructure in the chronic phase after pediatric mild traumatic brain injury: results from the adolescent brain cognitive development study. Psychological Medicine. 1-11
Wannan CMJ, Nelson B, Addington J, et al. (2024) Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ): Rationale and Study Design of the Largest Global Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin
Seitz-Holland J, Alemán-Gómez Y, Cho KIK, et al. (2024) Matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity, hippocampal extracellular free water, and cognitive deficits are associated with each other in early phase psychosis. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Seitz-Holland J, Haas SS, Penzel N, et al. (2024) BrainAGE, brain health, and mental disorders: A systematic review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 159: 105581
Viher PV, Seitz-Holland J, Schulz MS, et al. (2024) More organized white matter is associated with positivity bias in older adults. Brain Imaging and Behavior
Zhang F, Cho KIK, Seitz-Holland J, et al. (2023) DDParcel: deep learning anatomical brain parcellation from diffusion MRI. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging
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